How to Buy a House When You Want to Maintain Social Distance?

If I see one more post, article, or email about Covid-19 AKA Coronavirus, I'm going to scream!  My inbox is full of notices from businesses telling me what they are doing to protect their employees, their patrons, and themselves. It's important, but after ten or twelve of these that carry the same message, it is a bit overwhelming.   These are serious times, and I don't want to minimize that, but while we are hunkering down in our homes, isolating ourselves and 'enjoying' some down time, we do begin to notice that the walls need paint, the rail on the stairs is splintering, or the kitchen appliances have seen better days. Suddenly there is not enough closet space, the cabinets need redoing, and that carpet is looking pretty stained.  Now comes the big question: 'Should I stay or should I go?' (Hmm...sounds like lyrics to a song by The Clash.) If you stay, and decide to fix up the old homestead, there is all of the upheaval...moving furniture, protecting countertops, sanding, paint fumes, noise, workmen, etc.  If you go, there is some work to do to present your existing home in its best light, packing, and moving. But you are moving into a nice, clean, and often new space that has everything you wish you had right now.  The interest rates are crazy low right now, so that too is a reason to go.  I mean...they are the lowest I have ever, ever seen!!!

How do you look for a home when no one wants to let you in to see it?  

When everyone is worried about spreading the Coronavirus, it makes sense to curtail unnecessary activity for awhile.  But for those who absolutely have to move it makes it extremely difficult.  As a Realtor, I have a set of procedures I am following.  I am carrying a plastic bag filled with gloves,hand sanitizer, wipes, and Lysol spray.  I am not touching surfaces unless absolutely necessary and then wiping them down with my wipes afterwards.  I am standing back a minimum of six feet from others, and driving to locations without others in my car.  Our whole office is taking extreme measures to protect their clients both Buyers and Sellers.  We are using video tours instead of showing Buyers the home in person, and are posting virtual tours for our Sellers to market their homes. 

This is a time to exercise caution but this is also the very best time I have ever seen in my 37 years in real estate to buy a home! For anyone even thinking about this the time is right now!!! We can make this happen.  It just takes some creativity and patience.  I will help you by offering some great options and marketing your home and neighborhood to its best advantage.  So, yes, in the immortal words of The Clash; 'If I go there will be trouble...An' if I stay it will be double', going means that you will have to shop online a bit, talk to an experienced professional like yours truly, sign some papers, pack and do some work ( The Clash calls that trouble) but staying means that you will never stop noticing those things that are beginning to bug you now until you do something about it (The Clash calls that double trouble).  

I rest my case.


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