
Showing posts from April, 2020

Covid Cooking. A Guide to 'Fine Dining' During Isolation

Here we are in our 4th week of isolation with the refrigerator looming bigger than ever in our kitchen and our lives.  We are low on some things and someone needs to brave the Covid-19 epidemic to make a run to the grocery store. My husband, Skip is the designated grocery store shopper equipped with mask and gloves, hand sanitizer, plastic bags, wipes, and Lysol spray.  Each week we have taken greater precautions until the last trip to the store when I told him that he was not allowed in the house until he stripped off his clothes in the garage, washed his hands thoroughly, then took a shower.  Meanwhile we took in the groceries that were perishable and left boxes and non-perishables on the garage floor.  To my shock and bewilderment, I found that Skip had bought more perishables than non-perishables.  There were two large bags of lettuce and a large plastic container of fancy-mix of lettuce.  Another large tub was filled with spinach and then there was a h...