No Chickens Were Harmed During the Making of This "FILM!"

An early morning sales meeting at Real Living Carolina Lifestyles Realty began with the usual announcements and discussions. However, one of our agents got a great idea somewhere between uploading forms, and website enhancement. She is our resident expert on the history and lore of the Chatham County area. One thing led to another and soon it was decided that we should do a little video series on some of the interesting spots around the county and even into other parts of the Triangle. I am sure that it was the strong coffee but we all began talking at once and soon it was decided that we should do a run out to Chicken Bridge to talk about how it got its name. Like all great ideas, others became enthused and began to make suggestions. Pretty soon, Ashlie was running home to get straw hats while Heather was finding us a live chcken (as a prop). Lori said she would hold the chicken under one arm while LuAnn did the video recording. Yours truly went al...